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My sales orders in StockTrim aren't matching what's in Unleashed - why?
If a purchase order is created in StockTrim and sent to your IMS, when the purchase order is receipted in your IMS does it change its status to Received in StockTrim as well.
A product isn't showing or isn't visible in StockTrim - why?
What is an 'uncertain' item?
Some of my sales orders are missing in StockTrim - why?
I have very few days of stock left but the system says I have excess stock or a reorder due date further in the future, why is that?
My excess stock value looks quite wrong, why is that?
How can I exclude sales orders from being used to calculate the forecasts?
Is the lead time based on working days or calendar days?
When updating from my API connected Inventory Management System, what data in StockTrim is overwritten?
How do the filter categories on the order plan work? e.g.: fastest moving, most urgent orders, most stagnant etc
If there is only one Lead Time for a SKU that has lots of components each of which has a different Lead Time then how does the output of the algorithm work
I uploaded some data in CSV and it made no effect - why didn't the data update?
How much sales history do I need for StockTrim
I order boxes or containers of items from my supplier, but sell the items individually, with separate SKUs for the box vs individual items. How do I set StockTrim up so that it suggests the correct number of boxes to order?
Does StockTrim track bar codes and serial numbers?
How does StockTrim take into account the timing, or expected delivery date, of on order amounts?
What's the difference between each forecast model?
How are open sale orders, with future dates, taken into account?
It's slow to sync data or calculate my demand analysis. How can I speed this up?
I updated my product codes, and now I have duplicate items in StockTrim after I reloaded my data. How do I fix this?
I linked demand to an item, but the sales history isn't being loaded - why?
How does the minimum order quantity work, and how is this set?
How is seasonality calculated?
What if I have inventory data in multiple systems, or need to import data from multiple accounts?
Can StockTrim be configured to only read 'Sellable' items from Unleashed?
Can you see financial forecasts in StockTrim?
How do back orders in Unleashed effect the forecast and purchase recommendation?
How are back orders taken into account?
Can you include all forecasts in the CSV export?