- All my products are duplicated - what has gone wrong?
- Ordering container volumes
- Does StockTrim have a data cap or a data limit?
- Do I need to import production jobs or assembly use into StockTrim
- How can I exclude the forecast of a particular finished good when calculating a component's forecast?
- The Stock on Hand in StockTrim is not matching the Stock on Hand in Cin7 - why?
- Can I see the total inventory value on the dashboard?
- How to bulk update products in StockTrim - including discontinue
- How to get started with StockTrim
- The stock on order amount is not matching what is in Xero - why?
- How can I hide a product that is no longer used?
- Do I need to import branch transfer or warehouse transfer data into StockTrim?
- How are the forecasts calculated, generally?
- How does it work with the supply chain disruptions we have had? How will it cope with more disruptions?
- How is the "Average Daily Demand" calculated?
- My sales history figures are wrong - why?
- What sale order date does the system look at?
- What is a circular reference in my Bill of Materials (BOM) and why is this bad?
- I've changed my Inventory Management System. How do I remove the connection in StockTrim to my old one, and connect with my new system?
- The Stock On Order number is not matching the purchase orders in Unleashed - why?
- I updated the supplier lead time and it hasn't updated some of the items - why?
- What units should the quantities be in my Bill of Materials (BOM)?
- How do I load only some, or a subset of my products into StockTrim?
- Where does the Cost field in StockTrim get set from Unleashed?
- What's the best way to import data into StockTrim when I've recently started with a new inventory management system?
- How does StockTrim deal with expiry dates of stock?
- An item isn't showing at a location - why?
- My monthly sales totals in StockTrim don't match my other report, or my Inventory Management System - why?
- How can I remove a category or subset of items from my account?
- My Stock On Hand in StockTrim isn't matching what's in Unleashed - why?